" The bundling of our knowledge and experience in the field of control technology means that we develop solid solutions for our clients in the office market, healthcare, education, culture, industry and horticulture.
We ensure that your new construction and renovation projects are realized efficiently and professionally. "
For more than 40 years, Nunu has been bridging the gap between complex technical issues with passion and enthusiasm for suitable control technical application solutions. Providing innovative products with the intention to exceed our customers expectations for usage, performance and quality.
Control technology has become an indispensable part of our society and ensures that installations in buildings, industry and horticulture continue to function. We want to be the best in advising, designing, realizing, maintaining and managing operating systems for technical installations.
Nunu voert een beleid dat streeft naar een optimale tevredenheid bij al haar klanten en relaties. Het beleid is daarnaast gericht op voortdurende aandacht voor kwaliteit, veiligheid, adequate werkomstandigheden en milieuaspecten. Zowel in de vestiging in 's-Gravendeel als ook bij werkzaamheden op locatie bij onze klanten.
De producten die door Nunu worden geleverd voldoen aan de volgende normen en/of richtlijnen. UL/CSA, NEN 1010, NEN 3140, NEN-EN 60204-1, NEN-EN-IEC 61439-1.
Safety and Health

Nunu has done everything to work as safely as possible. To achieve this, Nunu has a safety management system in accordance with the VGM Checklist Aannemers 2017 / 6.0 (VCA *). Nunu has drawn up a safety policy that is aimed at guaranteeing the greatest possible safety and healthy working conditions.
In addition, activities are carried out to minimize the risk and to identify risks in advance so that they can be eliminated. And minimizing possible environmental and material damage. Nunu takes a proactive stance in this.

Our quality objectives are aimed at providing customization and a fast, efficient, but above all careful service to all our customers. Intensive and open communication are the guarantee of high-quality products and mutual trust are the building blocks of our quality.
Through constant quality control, combined with years of accumulated know-how, we guarantee the high quality of our products and optimal service to our customers. In order to achieve our goals and continuously improve our performance, we apply a management system that meets the requirements of ISO9001: 2015.

Our environmental objectives are primarily aimed at complying with environmental laws and regulations. In addition, we want to continuously reduce the impact of our activities on the environment and if possible, avoid it entirely.
The focal points are reducing the CO2 footprint, reducing the use of environmentally harmful substances and managing waste flows for recycling. In order to continuously improve our environmental performance, we apply a management system that meets the requirements of ISO14001: 2015.
Nunu BV focuses on using sustainable methods to ensure that the environment during the design, realization and exploitation of projects is taxed as little as possible. For this reason, Nunu is often selected for projects carried out in accordance with LEED or BREEAM.
Examples of projects we have realized are:
- TNT Green (Transport building), Schiphol-Oost
- Headquaters De Lage Landen International BV, Eindhoven
BREEAM is the most complete and certified methodology for measuring the durability of buildings. It is a tool for making new and existing real estate sustainability measurable and negotiable. BREEAM beware of materials and energy and on the viability of the building and its surroundings. It was developed by the UK Building Research Establishment (BRE)
We strive to carry out our projects to minimize the impact on the environment. In installations still many PVC materials are used. These materials contain plasticizers (DEPH) and are harmful to humans and the environment. On combustion (fire or waste) can release harmful substances. Especially dioxins are highly toxic.
PVC exist nowadays substitute materials, such as halogen-free material. A few years ago we decided to PVC-containing materials to fit more, but still only halogen-free material. Despite the fact that the processing of the material is laborious, and the cost is higher, we consider in view of the environment and the human being that it is better to go to one healthy standard. The additional costs make us particulary because we have no failure costs for the accidental use of PVC in a project because this material in our company essentially no longer exists and no longer be stocked.
The concern halogen-free materials:
- cabling systems
- wiring (in electrical panels)
- wiring ducts
- platic (shielding)sheets
Another measure we use is that we are trying to design a plant and work preparation to do well at one time. It sounds plausible, but for us this is a fundamental point. For we see in practice that relatively many mistakes with ditto failure costs. If afterwards parts must be changed, meaning that in addition to the slowdown and the financial implications, too, that there are consequences for the environment. Indeed, parts that are providing extra waste and extra work, usually replaced are performed on site, accompanied by additional environmental impact by increasing energy consumption and fuel consumption.
Our actions related to sustainable construction:
- In the production of electrical panels halogen-free wiring and cable trays are used as standard material.
- We use haalogen-free cabling as a standard material.
- Nunu BV has an active schedule for carpooling for employees in the field.
- Nunu BV invests in energy-efficient commercial vehicles.
- Active involvement of third parties in projects that are at a relatively large distance from our site in 's-Gravendeel. I.e. for remote projects, we put subcontractors who live in the area of the construction site.
- Use of flexible working hours for workshop and outdoor installation. This allows the backup drive is reduced resulting in a sharp decrease in fuel consumption and maintenance costs.
- We strive for a paperless office and use digital communication as much as possible.
- Striving for 0% stock, in order to prevent obsolescence of materials with more associated waste that would pollute the environment.
- By investing in computer-controlled mechanical handling equipment we can work more accurately and as a result we get substantial reduction of chance of the making of production errors. The stream of rejected materials decreased by introduction of this system by 40%.
- Nunu carries a sober policy to allow production of promotional gifts. We are aware that all the products we make do eventually provide a waste stream and want to keep this to a minimum.
Nunu employees are trained through an internal program aimed at professional high level. This makes it possible to offer more added value to customers in optimizing systems. The consequence of this is that the installations of the customer's energy-efficient will work. The benefits are right for the customer, and indirectly to the environment in which we live.
The specialists within Nunu have expertise on:
- automation of heat and cold storage systems in combination with heatpunps (software expertise).
- comtrol of solar watter heaters.
- strategies for stabilisation of control loops.
- optimalization of heating strategies.
- power systems for boilers and combined heat and power (CHP).
- lighting control systems in combination with presence detectors.
- pressure stabilization arrangements in conjunction with frequency inverters.